Carbon-free refractories for the working lining
Monolithic castables
Carbon-free precast bricks
Carbon-free bricks
Gunning mixes
Carbon containing refractories for the working lining
Low carbon bricks
Al2O3-MgO-C bricks
MgO-Al2O3-C bricks
MgO-C bricks
Refarctories for the permanent lining
Monolithic castables
Functional refractories
Puring plugs&seating blocks
Unburned slide gate plates
Fries slide gate plates
Nozzles &well blocks
Stuffing sand
Silica and chrome based tapping sand
Refractory mortar
Mortar for bricks
Mortar for purging plugs ;
Mortar for sliding gates
Mortar for nozzles
Technical support and service
Design of refractory lining
Fluid field simulation
New product development
Refractory installation and service

5-503, Beichen Building, Beichen District, Tianjin


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